ReLease Energy Work

Feel Better
Let Me Help

The Emotion Code / The Body Code

Do you have emotional burdens that persist and you endure?

Do you have chronic physical discomfort that you’ve tried many ways to resolve?

Do you have emotional troubles slowing you from getting to what you want and value, to your true potential?

The Emotion Code and Body Code are not forms of medical treatment.  They are energy clearing work, releasing identified internalized trauma and stresses, rebalancing energetic fields, and returning you to your original blueprint:  True, centered, healthy you.

Let me help you get there.


The Emotion Code is a negative-energy releasing technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson over years of working with his patients.   

Dr. Nelson and his colleagues at Discover Healing have termed these stored negative energies ‘trapped emotions.’  They are caused by overwhelming emotions experienced at a traumatic time.

Unprocessed trauma or intense negative emotions can be held in the body and impact our health and/or mental and emotional wellbeing. It’s a human survival mechanism, but it can come at a high cost.  These trapped emotions are what some people call our “baggage” from childhood, or why we are not able to “get over” something.   But they are not “all in your head,” there can be negative energy frequencies actually stored in our physical bodies.  These trapped emotions may result in persistent stress, feeling anxious or sad, becoming angry too easily, negative self-talk, feeling like something is ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’, etc.  

The Emotion Code techniques allow us to locate these stored negative energies, to move them along your energy meridians and out of your body and energy field entirely.  Emotion Code clients have reported noticeably decreased discomfort, feeling emotionally and mentally clearer, and a return to feeling grounded and at ease.  (Please read my client testimonials.)

It doesn’t have to take a long time or a painful deep delve into the past.  The Emotion Code training teaches (and this has been my resounding experience) that in most cases simply identifying the unresolved emotion, and the age when the original stress occurred, is enough to then be able to release it entirely.  



Certified Emotion Code practitioners are trained to use muscle testing to determine specific trapped negative emotions/energies, and to use magnetic energy along the body’s energy network Governing Meridian to draw them out.  It is that simple.  In my experience it is magnificently effective.


What is The Body Code?

Residual trauma and emotional stress can affect physical health; more and more Western Medicine Physicians are acknowledging that.  They affect the body physically, though they are energetic in nature.  Quantum Physics gives evidence that we are completely energy, and that our bodies follow scientific energetic principals that directly affect health.  The Body Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is corrective energy work in response to energetic imbalances resulting in physical health symptoms.  

Do you have physical symptoms that either can’t be explained, or which started after a time of intense physical or emotional stress or trauma?  Do you have one or more symptoms that persist, and wonder why you aren’t healing and getting better?

Much of the Body Code work deals with physical side of the body where, through muscle testing, we look for things like infections, toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances; and address those according to whatever the client's body indicates is needed for a return to health.

It also works with the balance of the energy body, and its integral and critical relationship with the physical body, where we locate and release persistent negative emotional energies (often called emotional baggage) and correct imbalanced energy in organs, glands, meridians, chakras, systems, tissues, etc. promoting self-healing and recovery.

The Body Code work is all about removing negative energy imbalances from your body in order to restore the best conditions for the body to heal itself.  It is nature's way, we are built to heal with the right conditions.


The Belief Code builds on the Emotion Code and the Body Code, and allows me to identify and release limiting beliefs and negative programs, and to reverse or replace negative thought systems, creating space for truthful perspectives.

A belief is a subjective view that something is true or false, right or wrong, and it is a filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Negative beliefs may be left over from a childhood trauma, or a limiting belief held by our family, culture or religion. It may be a negative core belief or self-identification; it may even be inherited.

The Belief Code offers us a way to identify and release negative subconscious beliefs that do not serve our wellbeing, to release ourselves from incongruous belief patterns, and to empower ourselves by clearing the way to seeing things as they actually are in the present.

Free your mind, body, and spirit from negative beliefs that have been holding you back by scheduling a Belief Code session.

If available times do not fit your schedule, I have flexibility, so please contact me directly here



The Emotion Code and Body Code modalities are energy clearing work supporting emotional and physical self-healing.

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing involves clearing a person of persistent negative energies caused by stress, trauma and/or prolonged illnesses.  

Our biofield is the energy blueprint that corresponds holistically to our entire organism and allows for rapid communication throughout the body.  It is the matrix that connects our emotional, physical, and mental dimensions.  Quantum Physics gives evidence that we are energy, and that our bodies follow scientific energetic principles.  Energy healing addresses the whole integrated continuum of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual selves on an energetic basis.

Modern science has shown what ancient cultures knew, that there can be mental and emotional causal factors in the origin of some illnesses, and that repercussions of trauma can be stored in the body/biofield and can affect our physical health.  Human bodies are designed and built to self-heal.   Energy healing works to clear negative energetic frequencies and restore the biofield to optimum capacity supporting physical and emotional self-healing.

We know that counseling therapy often includes talking about traumatic events to help process the experience and reduce the impact - to let the trauma go and move on; energy healing modalities acknowledge that somatically held post-traumatic and endured-stress energies physically exist in the body, and these can be physically released to free the body and emotional fields of these repetitive feelings and negative reactions that originated from an original event or circumstance in the past, and no longer serve your wellbeing in the present.

What is a trapped emotion?

A trapped emotion is the term used for a residual energy frequency from an overwhelming emotional experience.  It is a resonance held in the body that then “plays back” its frequency causing you to feel the emotion, or to slide into that reaction too easily.  The constant energy vibration of this frequency can distort the normal energy field of the body and affect tissue and nerve receptors, potentially leading to sadness, aches and pains, or even illness.

What is a Heart-Wall trapped emotion?

A Heart-Wall trapped emotion is one that is located in front of or around the physical heart, as if protecting it from further hurt.  However, it generally remains after it is no longer useful, and can cause feelings like “I can’t get over the hurt”, or may prevent you from clearly feeling love when appropriate.  It is sometimes called a hardening of the heart; we have all met those people. A Heart-Wall trapped emotion can be identified and released just like any other trapped emotion.

What is an inherited trapped emotion?

An inherited trapped emotion is one from your parents or someone in their family tree:  A stress or trauma that they experienced became trapped in their body, is then passed along at the conception of a child, and can be passed down to multiple generations.  For example, people whose ancestors lived through the Great Depression in the United States often find themselves inexplicably frugal and guarding of food. An inherited trapped emotion can be identified and released as easily as any other trapped emotion.

What is muscle testing?

Muscle testing, or applied Kinesiology, works with the muscles and subconscious mind.  Light pressure is applied to a group of muscles - the forearm for example - and a question is asked.  If the person is in alignment with the concept (understands it as truth) their arm remains strong, if they are not, it weakens.  The subconscious mind knows what trapped emotions are there (residual negative frequencies), and so a question like “Is there a trapped emotion contributing to the discomfort in your shoulder?” can be answered through strength and weakness.

Why do you use a magnet?

Trapped emotions are energy; the magnet’s field draws the identified energy along the body’s Governing Meridian and out of the body’s energy field.  It is permanently gone and does not return.  Emotion Code practitioners can also do this with the energy from their hands alone.

Why are some people tired afterwards?

People are sometimes tired afterwards because their body is adjusting to the new condition of being cleared.   The body heals during rest and sleep.

What is a remote session?

A remote session is one where the Emotion Code practitioner and the client are separate and are communicating by phone or videoconference.  The practitioner works as a proxy and tests their own muscles to find the answers from the client.  For reference, Reiki is another Healing Arts modality that uses remote communication effectively.

Do the Emotion Code and Body Code work on someone who doesn’t believe in them?

It can, as long as the person does not purposefully fight and sabotage it.  If they simply relax, are open-minded, and answer honestly, the Emotion/Body Code Practitioner can effectively do the rest.

Is energy work safe for children?

Yes, it is simply removing negative energy or trauma that is not beneficial to them.  Their parent or guardian must be with them and have given permission.

Does it work on animals?

Yes, it is simply removing negative energy or trauma that is not beneficial to them.  Permission from an owner is needed.


Merie.JPGMerie Weismiller Wallace – pronounced Mary - is a Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner based both in California and Europe.  

Merie holds a Master of Fine Arts in Film Production from USC Film School in Los Angeles, CA, and a Bachelors of Arts from Mills College in Oakland, CA. Her creative work and personal life take her internationally; a strength of the Emotion Code practice is that it can be conducted in person as well as remotely (see FAQs), allowing Merie and her clients to connect wherever they are in the world.



I have a great creative career in photography that I love. It sharpens my skills in gauging situations and intuiting what is going on with others. Yet, a few years back I began feeling that it lacked the dimension of being directly helpful to others. Now I take these skills a step further: my empathy for others lifts me from observer to facilitator. My practice using the Emotion Code & Body Code is my balance, and a gift to me. With true joy I help my clients reduce and often resolve persistent emotional and physical discomforts that have often been plaguing them for years.

In my experience, when those are gone, do you know what’s left?  Their original, authentic selves.  

Nobody has a perfect life.   All the negative things that we endure take their toll.  Maybe you have processed these experiences and come out stronger; but maybe some situations became too overwhelming.  Perhaps you had insufficient support or resources, and you ultimately swallowed the emotional pain and stress just to get by.  Until you deal with those burdens effectively, chances are they are still there, and you feel it.

Let me work with you to easily locate and release these trapped emotions and stresses.

Tell me, who are you without your burdens?

~  I’d like to help you get there  ~


To email me click here


JW -  Wow! My session with Merie really surprised me. I had no expectation, but was super curious and had no clue that it would be so powerful! Afterwards I was so tired although I had done nothing, but after 2 nights of really good sleep I awoke with soooo little discomfort in areas of my body that had been hurting for months! I mean I-could-hardly-walk type of discomfort. I’m really looking forward to the next session to see what I can release next. Or should I say what Merie can help me release. Thanks much for this gift you’ve shared!

EF - You are a natural and I believe you will make an enormous difference in many lives… In yoga today I noticed when doing Camel, a pose I have always hated as it gives me panic attacks (in fact all backwards leaning, heart opening poses do) I felt totally fine and enjoyed it; I am thinking your work with me may have made the heart opening possible.

LM -  "Omg.... I feel lighter!!! Today was perfect. I feel like I have released so much in a short time and I feel drained in a good way. I feel so open!!! I want to feel free of anything holding me back!!! Even me holding me back :-)  I can see the results in my clarity with my creativity!!!! ... Life is Good!"

AL - Merie Weismiller Wallace was wonderful and I thank her for the work she did and the relief she brought me. When Merie began to work with me, I suffered from ocular migraine and persistent pain in my thoracic spine. Over two sessions, Merie helped me explore the origins of my ailments and greatly improved how I feel! I am grateful for the greater insight I have into myself and of course, that I feel so much better than before. Thanks, Merie, for your empathy, your presence, your ability to help me heal.

BE - I was a 10 negative and now I am a 10 positive!

JN: “Merie is a deeply intuitive energy worker. Her work with the Emotion Code provides a framework for healing unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. In each session Merie and I were able to compassionately explore my emotional body through the gateway of individual emotions manifesting as physical sensation and discomfort. I felt relief in my physical body in the days following the sessions and noticed how I became more consciously aware of emotions that were lingering in my body and my emotional field long after the events that brought them on. Merie has a generous presence and will be a wise ally for anyone seeking release and support through energy healing.”

MD: I never would have believed that Merie could help me if I hadn’t experienced it for myself. I’m a logical and fairly skeptical person by nature, but the last few years had been extremely difficult and I found myself looking for new ways to heal outside of traditional cognitive behavioral therapy. After one session, I was excited enough to return. After several, I almost couldn’t believe the lightness that I was experiencing. There’s a feeling of immense freedom after every session with Merie. I find myself now more able to see negative emotions, to understand that they do not serve me, and to release them.